Career Detail - Capital City College Group
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Biochemists and Biomedical Scientists Career Details

About this Career

£ 52,012 Median Salary
New workers start at around £30,353. Normal pay is £52,012 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £85,720.
879 Jobs in Greater London
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Greater London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.

Daily Tasks

  • Researches, develops and quality checks new products in the pharmaceuticals, food production and agricultural Industries.
  • Performs tests to help clinicians diagnose and treat various conditions, evaluates existing treatments and researches new ways to treat diseases.
  • Researches the effects of internal and external environmental factors on the life processes and other functions of living organisms.
  • Performs tests to study physiological and pathological characteristics within cells and other organisms.
  • Identifies and studies the chemical substances, including microbial infections, involved in physiological processes and the progress of disease.
  • Studies the chemical form, structure, composition and function of living organisms.

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