Career Detail - Capital City College Group
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Metal Plate Workers, Smiths, Moulders and Related Occupations Career Details

About this Career

£ 33,730 Median Salary
New workers start at around £22,684. Normal pay is £33,730 per year. Highly experienced workers can earn up to £51,453.
13 Jobs in Greater London
Job counts include both employed and self-employed persons in Greater London, and do not distinguish between full and part-time jobs.

Daily Tasks

  • Scoops molten metal from furnace into die or die casting machine.
  • Fits and secures horses shoes.
  • Tempers and hardens forged pieces, as required, by quenching in oil or water.
  • Uses forging tools to shape and cut metal and bends or shapes metal by hand forging methods using hammers, punches, drifts and other hand tools.
  • Operates press or hammer and repositions workpiece between strokes.
  • Heats metal for forging and positions heated metal on anvil or other work surface.
  • Seals seams with caulking compound, smooths welds, fixes metal doors, metal collars, portholes, tank and hatch covers and performs other metal plate finishing tasks using a variety of hand and power tools.
  • Creates mould units out of sand, loam or plaster by hand or machine and fits cores into mould to form hollow parts in casting.
  • Uses hydraulic jacks to position and align metal platework or frame for welding and bolting and rivets together metal plate and girders.
  • Uses machine tools to bend, curve, punch, drill and straighten metal plate as required.
  • Marks out metal plate with guidelines and reference points and cuts metal plate using hand or machine tools.
  • Examines drawings and specifications to determine operational requirements.

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